First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms: What to Expect

Pregnancy is a very important part for any woman. Every woman wants to be a mother. In 9 months new life is born in the body which is difficult for women. It’s very important for every couple to know about “First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms“. Today we will first talk about the first trimester of pregnancy. It is an important part during pregnancy. How to take care of the mother during this pregnancy, how to take care of the baby, whether pregnancy has been missed in the past, where to meet the doctor, what to share with them, what to do blood test ,When to do sonography etc. Many questions come to mind.

First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms
First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms

The do’s and don’ts, the good and the bad, have no experience when it’s your first pregnancy. Its tension should not be taken. A doctor should be consulted if any symptoms appear due to any activity. It will be better if you read the entire article as we will solve all these questions. The first three months of pregnancy are called the first trimester. Approximate duration 12 weeks. A gynecologist should be consulted when pregnancy is confirmed. Some couples see after 3 months, they feel that the baby is not developing, why do blood test or sonography. Then that mistake is responsible for the couple.
When your pregnancy is confirmed, consult a gynecologist to get all the information about which medicine to take, sometimes external hormones are needed for the development of the baby. It should be known. After sonography, It should also ensure that the baby is attached to the uterus (womb).It is an ectopic pregnancy.

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What to take to the first visit to the gynecologist.

If you have any medical history like taking any medication, taking thyroid medication, hyper tension or any physical problem, file should be taken. In the past, the baby was lost during pregnancy. Share with doctor. According to your health, CBC test, urine test and blood test are the crucial tests after pregnancy is confirmed. Blood tests also include diabetes tests, thyroid tests, and any genetic problems. During the first trimester, the first three months are very important for the development of the baby.

Which are important first trimester pregnancy symptoms??

important symptom of the first trimester

1. Increased urination and vaginal discharge

Frequent urination is a common symptom. And due to hormonal changes in the body, discharge increases, causing thin, white and milky discharge. Blood volume increases during pregnancy so excess fluid is excreted by the kidneys. Hormonal changes can cause the breasts to swell and become tender and sensitive breasts.

2.Fatigue / Weakness :

Rapid hormonal changes in the first trimester lead to weakness and fatigue in women. Get enough sleep and eat a healthy diet and exercise to increase energy levels.

3. Mood changes:

Hormonal changes cause mood swings and emotional . It is natural to worry and think about your baby’s health and a successful pregnancy.

4. Period missed:

A missed period is an early symptom of pregnancy. Some women experience light bleeding and spotting.

5. Constipation and Gas :

Slows down the digestive system leading to gas and constipation. Add high fiber foods, full fluids especially water and fruit juice if constipation is to be avoided.

6. Avoid food :

Rapidly changing hormones affect taste and smell .It also suppresses appetite.

7. Morning Sickness and Discomfort:

Unexpected vomiting and nausea during the first trimester. Vomiting and nausea also known as morning sickness. This problem leads to weakness and anxiety.

8. Headache and cramps

Anxiety and hormonal changes increase blood volume leading to headaches. Cramps due to increase in size of uterus. Major Important The above symptoms vary from person to person. Because every woman comes from a different home environment, lifestyle and body health. It is possible that some women are very strong mentally and physically. If you are suffering from the above symptoms, take a home pregnancy test or contact your healthcare provider.


The above information is taken from various reliable resources and articles.

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