How make Protein Powder at Home

The human body needs 20 types of protein. Protein is a very important part of the body. Today Discover how to make protein powder at home using easy methods that suit your preferences. There are 10 types of protein the body makes internally and another 10 types of protein added through our food. Different types of proteins are found in food. Like Plant-Based Proteins, Complete Proteins, Incomplete Proteins, Dairy Proteins etc.

DIY Vegan Protein Powder
DIY Vegan Protein Powder

Protein is a very important part of the body, especially for bodybuilders. Why is protein necessary?. (1) Protein builds muscle in the body and repairs muscle damage caused by physical activity. (2)Transfer oxygen to tissues. (3) Helps make antibodies for the immune system (4) Build structure muscle, ligaments, hair, skin.

Why Homemade Protein Powder is Better than Marketed Protein Powder.

Because this protein powder is completely prepared in home ingredients. Homemade protein is best because of these benefits like Clarity and transparency, Low cost and easy to maintain as per your wish, Eliminate allergens and sensitivities, A natural ingredient, Customization.

Let’s know “How to Make Protein Powder at Home”. Try it easily at Home.


  • 1 cup nuts or seeds ( Like Sunflower, groundnut, seeds etc.)
  • 1 cup dried beans
  • Optional: Add a sweetener such as honey , 1/4 cup cocoa powder and 1/2 cup of oats .Use as you wish

Follow step by step

1. Choose your original ingredients

Choose dry beans and nut/seed mixes. Beans are an excellent source of protein. Nuts and seeds provide healthy fats and add nutrition. You can add additional ingredients as your diet plan.

2. Prepare and roast

If taking beans, Cover the beans with water to soak, Cook until it becomes soft and tender. let them cool. Roast the nuts, beans and seeds separately on a baking sheet for 10-20 minutes at a low temperature.

If taking beans, Cover the beans with water to soak, Cook until it becomes soft and tender. let them cool. Roast the nuts, beans and seeds separately on a baking sheet for 10-20 minutes at a low temperature. Do not over roast as it creates a bad taste. The roasting process removes the moisture and makes it delicious.

3. Mixture

After putting all the ingredients in the grinder, mix it. It is converted into powder form. Mix all the ingredients carefully.6 Nuts That Help You Lose Weight Fast. Read more

4. Add optional flavors and sweeteners

If you want a better taste, add cocoa powder and oats and take a sweetener like honey to enhance your taste.

5. Storage

Mix it well. Store protein powder in an airtight container. Store Homemade Protein Powder in a Cool and Dry Place.


Use your homemade protein powder in smoothies, shakes, baked goods .Also use with oatmeal for weight loss. Note that it tastes different than the marketed protein powder.

The issue of Homemade Protein

1. Quality

The quality of homemade protein powder depends on the freshness and quality of the ingredients.

2. Taste

The composition of this protein is very different from the protein powders available in the market. Homemade protein tastes very different from commercial protein powders.

3. Nutritional

Commercial protein powders are formulated with specific protein sources to provide balanced nutrition. Which is not balanced with homemade protein powder.

4. Work with Amino

Creating a homemade protein powder with an amino acid profile is very challenging. For vegetarians and vegans.


Homemade protein is easy to control ingredients and taste Its price is also very low. The choice between homemade and market protein powder ultimately depends on diet plan, goals and body condition.

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