why do my glasses give me a Headache

Today everyone is fond of wearing goggles. Especially today’s young generation is very fond of goggles. Why do my glasses give me a headache when you work?. There are various types of glasses or goggles available in the market and choose as per your wish. When a person wears glasses, a person’s personality has a different glow. But it has been observed that when goggles are worn on the eyes, one faces the problem of headache. But due to some carelessness, the glasses get damaged. Sometimes low quality goggles as well as improper fitting and wearing goggles that are too old can cause headaches.

why do my glasses give me a headache
Is it normal to get headaches after wearing glasses

When you spend more time than necessary on media like TV or mobile, due to which the problem of eye strain is seen. Today many people spend late evening on the skin of mobile. According to an estimate, an average person spends 3.5 hours watching short videos on mobile. It damages the eye sight. Special glasses have to be bought for the number in the eyes. So they can see anything easily. Often the pain is so severe that the person cannot function properly. They cannot concentrate full control over work.

important points about why my glasses give me a headache. Let’s see the reasons

1.Improper fitting when making goggles.

Improper fitting sometimes occurs while manufacturing goggles. That due to pressure of work or carelessness glasses are not made properly and defects remain. eyeglass frames become loose or tight. Hence it is difficult to wear goggles. Hence one should make sure to wear goggles while visiting an optical shop. Eyes and nose are properly fitted or not. It often happens that the edges of the goggles frame are too sharp, causing marks on the skin and nose. All these problems cause headaches.

    2. Improper prescription

    In general, if there is an eye problem, the eyes should be examined at regular intervals. It often happens that the eyes are not treated properly and wrong prescription goggles can cause eye problems and headaches. Today, you must have seen that apart from eye specialists, some goggle optical shopkeepers are also seen examining eyes. So eye misdiagnosis is possible.

    3. Eye strain due to physical and digital work

    It often happens that we spend more time on the digital skin. The goggles we wear have different capabilities Because there are different settings for long distance and near goggles. Often there is strain on the eyes which causes pain in the eyes and head. For example, computer glasses, welding goggles and dust goggles are different.

    How to get rid of headache from wearing glasses

    1. Do not work in a room that is too dark. Because the intensity of light coming from digital media is much higher when you work in a dark room. This puts more pressure on the eyes and requires more effort. So dark places should be avoided as much as possible.

    2. Often working for a long time causes eye pain. So you should close your eyes and meditate for few minutes at intervals. Which will give you peace of mind, headache relief and sense of relaxation.

    3. Anti-reflective lenses should be used when you work on the computer to avoid damaging your eyes.

    4. Do eye exercises and yoga to keep your eye vision healthy.

    5. Use cucumber and splash cold water to cool the eyes. This technique will not only relax the eyes but also remove the dark circles around the eyes.

    6. You should not use your old glasses for a long time. You should get new prescription goggles that fit your eyes.

    7. Regular eye examinations should be done by an eye specialist at appropriate intervals. Because there are eye problems that cannot be diagnosed quickly.

    Ease Computer Vision Syndrome. READ MORE


    1.new glasses eye strain

    2.How do I know if my glasses prescription is wrong?

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    Eye is a very important part of life. The first thing to do when you notice a problem is to visit your eye specialist. Many people get headaches from wearing glasses. people experience discomfort when wearing glasses for the first time. Visit an eye specialist regularly and follow the advice.

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