Why not add bananas to smoothies :Smoothie Mistakes

Smoothies provide a delicious and easy way to add fruits and vegetables to your weight loss diet. Let’s find out why not to add bananas to smoothies .But every fruit combination is great for smoothies Nothing says the bitter truth about smoothies when adding bananas. A new study from the University of California, Davis says, They say we add different ingredients to smoothies but the ingredients help your body or harm your body.

Why not add bananas to smoothies
Why not add bananas to smoothies

Let’s see the report “Why not add bananas to smoothies 2023”

Do you know flavanols? Why is it important for the health of our body?. This topic around flavanols. Flavonols are useful compounds for our body. We get this element from various plant-based foods, vegetables and fruits, tea, berries and coca. Important flavonol due to antioxidant activity and reduced inflammation antiviral properties.

The Royal Society of Chemistry recently published the journal Food and Function. used smoothie mixtures for the evaluation of different degrees of polyphenol oxidase activity. The presence of enzymes in numerous fruits and vegetables influences the absorption of flavanols present in the consumed food. Flavonols compounds Very important for heart and cognitive health. Apples, blueberries, grapes, blackberries, etc.—these combinations show up in smoothie ingredients.

The main actor is Javier Ottaviani, He studied banana smoothies to see how flavonol levels were affected by consuming a banana-based smoothie. Apples and bananas turn brown immediately after cutting Due to polyphenol oxidase,This fruit naturally contains enzymes. Fruit turns brown when pre-existing enzymes combine with air and cut. Researchers are studying whether consuming freshly prepared smoothies made from fruits with different PPOs affects the amount of flavanols available in the body.

Bananas vs Berries

The researchers gave the participants a smoothie made from bananas Add the mixed berries like grapes, and cocoa etc. This naturally facilitates components of high-PPO activity in banana and Berries, which naturally have low PPO activity. The participant also took a flavanol capsule as a control. Urine and blood samples were analyzed to determine how much flavanols are in the body. Researchers found that those who consumed banana smoothies had lower levels of flavanols compared to controls.
It is surprising that banana smoothies change the level of flavanols in the body. observes how “food preparation and complex compounds affect the absorption of dietary compounds in food. “People take 400 to 600 mg of flavanols per day for cardiometabolic health. who start taking flavanols. That people make smoothies by combining flavonol-rich fruits such as berries with other ingredients that also have low PPO activity such as apples, pineapples and yogurt.

But bananas are also good for eating and with smoothies. For those who want to make smoothies with vegetables and fruits like bananas, beets, These components show high levels of PPO. But in addition to berries, grapes are a good source of flavonol-rich compounds. Also add flavonol-rich compounds. The report says “how different types of food preparation affect flavanols. Flavonols are also being studied for their stimulating effects in the future.

Tea is the best source of flavanols. But flavanols depend on how the food is prepared. It also depends on how the body absorbs flavanols.


A healthy smoothie packed with nutrients is more beneficial for the body. But don’t add any ingredient without knowing how it affects the body. Its effect depends on the preparation of the food and the absorption of flavanols in the body. It supports heart and metabolic health.


This information is taken from the article. This is for informational purpose only. Consult your family doctor if you follow the above information.

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