Stop using your phone with effective strategies-2023

Today in the modern age of 21st century the use of electronic gadgets has increased. Stop Using Your Phone when your mobile is controlling you . Due to which human life has become easier but many problems are also increasing. Who doesn’t have a mobile phone today? Today the age of smart phone and android phone has come, today mobile phone has become home in one’s life. Today people seem to have given the mobile phone as much importance as the person.

Stop Using Your Phone
Stop using your phone with effective strategies-2023

Today, it seems very difficult to spend even a day without a mobile phone. A study says that losing a mobile phone is as big a problem as a terrorist attack. If a good brand phone comes in the market today, long queues of people can be seen even at midnight. There have also been cases of people selling their kidneys for phones. You too are a victim of this problem!!!!. An excess of a habit or thing is always harmful. Today mobile has become the owner of a person’s life. Mental and physical problems have increased due to mobile phones. Today parents also allow their children to use mobile phones at a young age. It affects his future life. As education is affected so are the eyes. Some information teenagers today become wild because of playing video games on mobile phones.

Let’s create a strategy to stop using your phone in 2023

If you experience the following symptoms, you too are suffering from mobile addiction.

1.Check unusual notifications a lot of time.

Generally people get addicted to see mobile notifications minute by minute. Usually some notification are useless. The mind cannot concentrate. The skin of the mobile cannot run without looking. An idea comes to mind as to what special notifications might have come.

2. Isolation at the social level

Usually a person prefers to talk face-to-face, but today even if he is sitting with his friends, he gets lost in the world of phones. Thus a person distances himself from another person here is socially distanced. Sometimes people don’t listen to any specific instructions to fully focus on the mobile skin.

3. Not getting enough sleep and being distracted

A person cannot get enough sleep due to excessive use of phone. Some people enjoy free time games and watch online at midnight. Today, the skin display turns on when a notification arrives. Therefore, people often turn their attention to the display. Thus a person’s sleep is disturbed. Also one has to face problems like headache and lack of energy.

4. Bad behavior

Spending the whole day on the skin of the mobile makes a person irritable and quarrels over small matters.

5. Mental Problem

One has to go through conditions like depression, anxiety and mental stress. He feels tired all day and does not feel like working. If he is kept away from the mobile for some time, he feels restless or nervous and gets depressed to such an extent. You can live without a phone just a few steps away. Read More

To avoid this deadly mobile addiction, changing some of our habits and lifestyle will give us relief from it.

1. You should control your mobile usage. You should set a schedule to use the mobile. For this, use of unnecessary apps should be avoided And with the help of some apps, goals should also be set on mobile usage. Don’t keep mobile charging near your bed.

2. Many times when a notification comes in the mobile, the ring rings and the display turns on, so our attention goes to the phone. Hence, if necessary, the sound and display of the notification should be turned off.

3. Do not disturb technique should be used in mobile. So unnecessary notifications and spam calls should also be blocked. So that the use of mobile can be avoided to some extent.

4. Keep the mobile on silent and spend time with your friends and family and interact with funny stories, which will refresh your mind.

5. Uninstall unnecessary social media apps. According to this survey, people spend 3:15 per days on mobile screens. Hence much of their time is spent in unnecessary work.

6.Today there are also mobile apps available that track your mobile usage. Also gives you mobile over usage notification. Mobile usage should be controlled using such apps.

7.Put your mobile away when not needed and put it where you can’t see it. Mobile phones should not be used in certain places or silent zones.

8.Focus on your hobbies like reading, walking, cooking etc. Simple phone should be used instead of android phone because it has less features so we don’t spend much time on mobile screen.

9.Set any specific time period you should avoid mobile phone use. When mobile addiction increases, it takes some time to get relief from this problem. Because any addiction is hard to break once it starts.


1. What strategies can people use to overcome an Internet or smartphone addiction?

2. Why it is good to stop using your phone?

3. How do I stop using my phone mindlessly?

4. How to stop phone addiction for students.

How to check your mental health if you are harmed by mobile phone use. Read More


I am specifically posting this “Stop Using Your Phone With Effective Strategies-2023” because mobile addiction has a wide impact on people from children to old age. I hope this post opens your mind to phone addiction. So control the need to use mobile in personal life.

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